Retail & Modern POS

In today's retail landscape, providing a seamless and personalized experience for customers is key to driving loyalty and increasing sales. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by integrating modern point-of-sale (POS) systems with Gameball customer engagement and loyalty platform.

Firstly, the integration allows businesses to personalize the customer journey by leveraging purchase data and other customer information. This allows businesses to offer targeted promotions, discounts and rewards to customers based on their preferences, purchase history, and other relevant data.

Secondly, the integration enables businesses to streamline the checkout process by allowing customers to earn and redeem rewards directly through the POS system. Or through the use of a separate app or Gameball’s virtual card.

In addition to enhancing the in-store experience, integrating Gameball with a modern POS system can also provide a seamless omni-channel experience for customers. This means that customers can earn and redeem rewards not only in-store, but also through online purchases, mobile apps, and other touchpoints.

For example, a customer may earn rewards points for making a purchase in-store, and then be able to redeem those points for a discount on their next online order. Alternatively, a customer may earn rewards points for engaging with a brand on social media, and then be able to redeem those points in-store or online.

By offering a consistent and personalized experience across all touchpoints, businesses can increase customer satisfaction and drive loyalty. Customers expect a seamless experience whether they are shopping in-store, online, or through a mobile app, and integrating Gameball with a modern POS system can help businesses meet those expectations.

To integrate Gameball with a modern POS system, the following touch points need to be built:

  1. Creation of players. When a customer is created in the POS system, their information should be sent to Gameball via an API integration so that they can be added to the Gameball players database. This ensures that the customer can earn rewards points and have their purchase history and preferences tracked across all touchpoints, whether in-store or online.

  2. Order sending for reward: When a customer makes a purchase, the POS system should send the order information to Gameball so that the customer can earn rewards points. This can be done automatically through an API integration between the POS system and Gameball.

  3. Refund tracking: In the event of a refund or return, the POS system should notify Gameball so that any rewards points earned from the purchase can be deducted from the customer's account. This ensures that customers are not able to benefit from rewards points for a purchase that they have returned.

  4. Redeem through POS or virtual card: When a customer wants to redeem their rewards points, they should be able to do so through the POS system or through a virtual card provided by Gameball.

By building these touch points into the integration between the POS system and Gameball, businesses can offer a seamless and personalized experience for customers. Customers can earn and redeem rewards points through their purchases, whether in-store or online, and businesses can track customer behavior and preferences across all touchpoints. This can help businesses drive customer engagement and loyalty, ultimately leading to increased sales and success.