Track Refunds

After successfully sending orders to Gameball using the Order API. You need to get refund tracking in place. Refund tracking is a crucial aspect of the whole integration roadmap, as it allows businesses to ensure that their rewards and incentives are fair and accurate. By monitoring refunds, businesses can improve customer experience, prevent fraud, and ensure that they are not losing money due to excessive refunds. Gameball's Refund API provides businesses with a powerful tool to manage refunds and track customer activity, helping them to build strong and loyal customer relationships.

The Refund API supports both full and partial refunds, allowing businesses to refund the entire amount or only a portion of the order. This can be useful if a customer wants to return only one item from their order, or if they want a partial refund for another reason.

Refund API should be executed whenever a refund occurs at the POS side. The Refund API accepts the original order\transaction id and the current refund transaction id from the POS system.

The below sample payload issues a full amount refund for the example order we made.

  "amount": null

If we want to do a partial refund, the below payload return a partial amount of the order (one item)

  "amount": 45

The Refund API also supports account merge and merchant features.