Initialize Gameball Customer Profile

Show your customer's profile including all details and progress on your Android app.

Showing the Gameball widget on your mobile application is slightly different than showing it on the website. You can either design your own customer interface with the help of our REST APIs - to know more information, you can follow this guide, or as this section elaborates, through using our Gameball Android SDK.

Using the SDK, you can open the Gameball customer profile with the magic of a press of button in your app, programmatically when someone does a specific action, or from a persistent button (ex: FAB) that sits over your app’s UI.

When you trigger the Gameball customer profile, your customer is presented with a default screen that is configurable inside Gameball to change the look and feel of it.

From there, your customer can check their progress across different Gameball programs as per your configurations.

Showing Gameball Customer Profile

To show the Gameball customer profile that contains their details, available reward campaigns, and the leaderboard use showProfile() SDK method.

gameballApp.showProfile(this, "{playerUniqueId}", "{openDetail}", "{hideNavigation}");

Use showProfile as a parameter to collect the activity or the fragment you are going to show the profile in. Just create a button and call this method in the onClick() method of this button.

Change Customer Profile Widget language

changeLanguage(String language)

Use changeLaguage SDK method to change the widget language. The language provided should be as per configured languages in your account. If not provided the Gameball profile widget will be shown with your account default language

Example: "en", "fr".

Register/Update Customer

To register your customers with Gameball, use registerPlayermethod which can be used to create or update the customer details at Gameball. Ideally, it is called when your login or register network call is successful.

Every time the SDK is initialized with a new playerUniqueId , the customer profile is created or updated on Gameball's side. You may consider enriching your Gameball's customer profile with attributes that are not available to the UI by using server side Create\Update Customer API

Choose an Unchangeable PlayerUniqueId

Gameball customer gets created using theplayerUniqueId. It is highly recommended to have the unique ID as an identifier that would NEVER be changed. If this unique ID changes for a given customer, you risk losing all original data for that customer, hence losing their points and rewards on Gameball. Accordingly, it is NOT recommended to use email address or mobile number as the unique ID as both can be changed by the customer at anytime.

PlayerAttributes Object

PlayerAttributes is a builder class that helps in creation of the PlayerAttributes with the common attributes mentioned below, all of these attributes are optional to use.

Note that if you set a Preferred Language, it will override the language value provided in the init method. If neither were provided, the device's default locale will be used.

You can find the complete list of Customer Attributes here, if its not included in the PlayerAttributes builder you can add them as Key/Value pairs using withAdditionalAtribute builder method and it will automatically added upon request.

An example to create PlayerAttributes object

PlayerAttributes playerAttributes = new PlayerAttributes.Builder()
        .withDisplayName("John Doe")
        .withCustomAttribute("{key}", "{Value}")
        .withAdditionalAttribute("{key}", "{Value}")

The previous example will return an object of PlayerAttributes with the configured attributes.

Register the Customer

Using the previously created GameballApp instance or by creating a new one, call the RegisterPlayer() method as shown below

    new Callback<PlayerRegisterResponse>() {
        public void onSuccess(PlayerRegisterResponse playerRegisterResponse) {
            // TODO Handle on success result.
        public void onError(Throwable e) {
            // TODO Handle on failure result.

//Overloaded with Email and Mobile Number
    new Callback<PlayerRegisterResponse>() {
        public void onSuccess(PlayerRegisterResponse playerRegisterResponse) {
            // TODO Handle on success result.
        public void onError(Throwable e) {
            // TODO Handle on failure result.