Object Reference

This section provides a list of the objects dealt with using the available API endpoints.

Cashback Object

The cashback object is returned in the Configurations API response body. It describes the cashback program configurations.


Challenge Object

Represents the challenge object that describes a configured rewards campaign and tracks the relative customer's progress.

   "name":"view product + tag internal",
         "2nd tag"

Event Object

The Event object is how you record any actions your users perform, along with any metadata that describe the action. For further elaboration on events check Understand your customers' events.‌

Event and Metadata example:

"buy": {
  "product_id": "a123456",
  "price": 30,
  "product_category": "fashion"
  "product_tags": ["men", "new_collection"]

The following example shows a collection of events

"events": {
    "buy": {
      "category": "Electronics",
      "amount": 300
    "travel": {
      "destinations": ["Paris", "Cairo"],
      "tickets": 4,
      "season": "Winter"
    "visit_branch": {}

Leaderboard object

Defines the customer rank and progress in the leaderboard based on the specified query parameters.

  "displayName": "Customer 1",
  "playerUniqueId": "5097238429738",
  "progress": 1748,
  "levelName": "Bronze",
  "levelIcon": "https://cdn.gameball.co/uploads/c007/e7e1580c-f1ae-48be-9e14-2635848c6817icon-level-bronze@2x.png"

Level Object

Contains information about the customer's current VIP tier.‌

Parameters Description

    "name": "Gold",
    "description": null,
    "levelStartScore": 7500,
    "levelOrder": 4,
    "iconPath": "https://cdn.gameball.co/uploads/Client 1/2cf4b388-f957-4789-8309-5476907c1baeicon-level-gold@2x.png",
    "benefits": {
        "scoreEnteryReward": 0,
        "pointsEnteryReward": 0,
        "levelDiscount": null,
        "discountCapping": null

LineItems Object

Represent a Product in your system with its relative information, this object is used in the Orders API.

  "tag": ["VIP"],
  "category": [
   "weight": "20",
   "vendor": "nike",
   "collection": ["14313", "4343"]

Merchant Object

Holds information of merchant and its branch‌

Parameters Description

"merchant": {
    "uniqueId": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "branch": {
      "uniqueId": "string",
      "name": "string"

Notification Object

Represents a notification that your customer receives.

   "notificationId" : "123",
   "title": "New level!",
   "body": "Keep it up! You are now on Bronze ",
   "isRead": true,
   "createdAt": "2021-05-12T00:08:09.646174",
   "lang": "en",
   "icon": "https://cdn.gameball.co/uploads/client776/ad8b2587-959f-48fd-ab58-a643323652begb-icon-level-13.png"

Score Object

Contains info about the customer's score.‌

Parameters Description

"score": {
        "scoreBalance": 15830,
        "scoreName": "Score"

PlayerAttributes Object

Contains all of the attributes describing your customer.‌

Parameters Description

"playerAttributes": {
    "displayName":"Jon Snow",
    "firstName": "Jon",
    "lastName": "Snow",
    "mobile": "+1234567",
    "tags": "VIP,Platinum",

Points Object

Contains information about the customer's points.‌

Parameters Description

"points": {
        "pointsBalance": 11500,
        "pointsValue": 115,
        "currency": "USD",
        "pointsName": "Points"

Referral Object

The referral object is returned in the configurations API response body. It describes the referral program configurations.

         "voucherType":"Free Shipping",
         "voucherType":"Free Product",
         "productName":"Antique Drawers",

Transaction object

Describes any transaction made in your system.

  "type":"Cash Back",