Track Customer Events

Start sending your customers' events on your app to Gameball, along with any metadata that describes the event. Depending on your Gameball programs configuration, the customer can be rewarded based upon the sent events.

Tracked events can be app events or server-side events depending on how you would like to design your programs. App events can be sent via the available SDK interface and server-side events can be sent to Gameball via the Track Events API.

Every Track Event call records a single customer action which we call “events”. We recommend that you make your event names human-readable, so that everyone can figure them out instantly.

Event metadata are extra pieces of information you can tie to events you track. They can be anything that will be useful while designing your program.

To send Customer events from your app to Gameball, you can use the sendEvent method as shown below.

event Object Required

Event body that is being sent to Gameball.

Event Object

AddUniquePlayerId string Required

The display name of the customer.

AddEmail string Optional

Customer's unique Email address.

AddMobile string Optional

Customer's unique Mobile number.

AddEventName string Required

string represent the event name as (e.g., write_review, place_order, etc.), where each key is the event name.

AddeventMetaData Object Optional

An object containing metadata related to the event. The structure of the event object can vary depending on the specific event being recorded. Events can be any significant action a customer performs, such as making a purchase, writing a review, adding to cart, etc.

callBack Function Optional

Callback is used for providing the developer with the status of the request as a boolean whether it succeeded or not or with an error if any.

Event event = new Event.Builder()
        .AddEventMetaData("purchase_price", 19.99)

Send the Event

Using the previously created GameballApp instance or by creating a new one, call the SendEvent() method as shown below.

gameballApp.sendEvent(event, new Callback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean aBoolean) {
        // TODO Handle on success result

    public void onError(Throwable e) {
        // TODO Handle on failure result

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