
Transactions API is responsible for all the customer's points transactions.

The Transactions API endpoints are used to reward a customer, redeem points, refund points, and view the transaction history of a specific customer.

Available Endpoints

POST - Cashback

This API is used to reward your customers for each unit of currency they actually pay for your product or service. The Cashback API is mainly responsible for rewarding your customers' scores and points through a Cashback program based on the actual amount paid by your customers.

You may find it useful to make use of the Order Endpoint to track completed orders, reward your customer and redeem points using a Single API call. This endpoint is specifically designed for E-Commerce Businesses.

mobile or email should be sent along with the playerUniqueId in case (only if) your account supports channel merging.



In case the customer doesn't exist on Gameball before sending the Cashback API call, the customer will be created automatically on Gameball and granted the points.

Sample Request Body



Sample Response

    "playerUniqueId": "player123",
    "gameballTransactionId": 17178,
    "rewardedPoints": 20

Usage Example

The example shown is a request sent to Gameball when you want to reward a customer ofplayerUniqueId"player123" with points equivalent to amount of 99.98. The points to be granted will be according to your points configurations on Cashback program.

curl -X POST -H 'apiKey: 807b041b7d35425988e354e1f6bce186' \
       -H 'secretKey: klmb041b7d354259l3u4ft35e1q2r3703' -d '{
  }' -v -i ''

POST - Redeem Points

The API enables the customer to use Gameball points as a payment method since it can be substituted for monetary values. A successful call will return the ID of the redeemed transaction reference created at Gameball.

You may find it useful to make use of the Order Endpoint to track completed orders, reward your customer and redeem points using a Single API call. This endpoint is specifically designed for E-Commerce Businesses.

mobile or email should be sent along with the playerUniqueId in case (only if) your account supports channel merging.

otp should be sent along with the request body in case (only if) your account has the OTP configuration enabled.




Sample Request Body

   "redeemedAmount": null,


Sample Response

    "playerUniqueId": "player456",
    "gameballTransactionId": 17179,
    "redeemedPoints": 200,

Usage Example

The example shown is a request sent to Gameball to redeem an amount equivalent to the amount held in the holdReference for the customer with playerUniqueId"player456".

curl -X POST -H 'apiKey: 807b041b7d35425988e354e1f6bce186' \
       -H 'secretKey: klmb041b7d354259l3u4ft35e1q2r3703' -d '{
   "redeemedPoints": null,
  }' -v -i ''

Redemption can be sent along with events and reward using Actions API endpoint.

POST - Refund

The API is used to cancel a Cashback transaction or refund a points redemption transaction on Gameball. By providing the transactionId, Gameball checks for a corresponding cashback or redemption transaction and processes the request accordingly. After the request is successfully processed, the customer's points balance is updated to reflect the canceled or refunded transaction.

mobile or email should be sent along with the playerUniqueId in case (only if) your account supports channel merging.




lineItems Object

Sample Request Body

   "amount": null

Sample Request Body (With LineItems)

   "amount": null,
   "lineItems": [{"productId": "p_01", "quantity": 1}]


Sample Response

    "orderTransactions": [
            "transactionDate": "2021-10-19T21:46:24",
            "gameballTransactionId": 384081,
            "transactionType": "Payment",
            "amount": 70.0,
            "transactionId": "111131212"
            "transactionDate": "2018-01-10T17:12:26.895",
            "gameballTransactionId": 384090,
            "transactionType": "PartialRefund",
            "amount": 10.0,
            "transactionId": "1111201801"
            "transactionDate": "2018-02-10T17:12:26.895",
            "gameballTransactionId": 384091,
            "transactionType": "PartialRefund",
            "amount": 10.0,
            "transactionId": "11112018101"

Usage Example

The example shown is a request sent to Gameball after canceling a transactionId “234567891” on your system.

curl -X POST -H 'apiKey: 807b041b7d35425988e354e1f6bce186' \
       -H 'secretKey: klmb041b7d354259l3u4ft35e1q2r3703' -d '{
  }' -v -i ''

POST - Hold Points

The API is used to hold a specific amount of points from the customer's points balance. This is used to guarantee the availability of the points to be redeemed until the checkout process is completed. After a successful call, the API returns a holdReference number that is used later in the redemption API. The hold is active at Gameball for 10 minutes (default configurations) and automatically expires afterward. Once the hold expires, the points are returned back to the customer balance if this hold was not followed by a Redeem transaction.

You may find it useful to make use of the Order Endpoint to track completed orders, reward your customer and redeem points using a Single API call. This endpoint is specifically designed for E-Commerce Businesses.

In case this API is used, to successfully redeem the points, it should be followed by a Redemption API Call with the same resulted holdReference provided from this endpoint.

mobile or email should be sent along with the playerUniqueId in case (only if) your account supports channel merging.

Only one of the following attributes must be sent in the request bodyamountor holdPoints.

otp should be sent along with the request body in case (only if) your account has the OTP configuration enabled.




Sample Request Body



Sample Response


Usage Example

The example shown is a request sent to Gameball to hold customer points with playerUniqueId"player456" equivalent to amount of "98.89".

curl -X POST -H 'apiKey: 807b041b7d35425988e354e1f6bce186' \
       -H 'secretKey: klmb041b7d354259l3u4ft35e1q2r3703' -d '{
  }' -v -i ''

GET - Hold Details{holdReference}

The API call is used to retrieves hold details for a specified hold reference.



Path Parameters


Sample Response

    "holdPoints": 200,
    "amount": 200,
    "expirationDate": "2024-08-30T10:41:35.332855",
    "state": "active"

Usage Example

curl --location '' \
--header 'APIKey: 807b041b7d35425988e354e1f6bce186' \
--header 'secretKey: klmb041b7d354259l3u4ft35e1q2r3703'

Delete - Reverse Hold{holdReference}

The API call is used to cancel previously held points. It can be called to cancel non-expired hold requests within the hold validity period.



Path Parameters

Usage Example

The example shown is a request sent to Gameball to remove held points with playerUniqueId"player456" an holdReference equals “9245fe4a-d402-451c-b9ed-9c1a04247482“.

curl -x DELETE -H 'apiKey: 807b041b7d35425988e354e1f6bce186' \
       -H 'secretKey: klmb041b7d354259l3u4ft35e1q2r3703'
-v -i ''

POST - Manual Transaction

Access manual points reward API to reward your customers for each unit currency they actually paid for your product or service or for an arbitrary amount.

mobile or email should be sent along with the playerUniqueId in case (only if) your account supports channel merging.




Either the amount or the points should be sent along with the request.

In case the customer doesn't exist on Gameball before sending the Manual Transaction API call, the customer will be created automatically on Gameball and granted the points.

Sample Request Body

   "username": "admin_storename",
   "reason": "Thank You Gift"


Sample Response

    "playerUniqueId": "player123",
    "gameballTransactionId": 17178,
    "amount": 99.98,
    "transactionId": "tra_123456789",
    "transactionTime": "2019-09-19T16:14:09.895Z",

Usage Example

curl -X POST -H 'apiKey: 807b041b7d35425988e354e1f6bce186' \
       -H 'secretKey: klmb041b7d354259l3u4ft35e1q2r3703' -d '{
   "username": "admin_storename",
   "reason": "Thank You Gift"
}' -v -i ''

GET - List Transactions

This API is used to get transactions from Gameball. The result is paged and can be filtered.



Query Parameters


transaction object

Sample Response

          "type":"Cash Back",
          "expiryDate": "2019-10-21T16:53:28.190Z",
          "pointsBalanceBefore": 1000,
          "pointsBalanceAfter": 1500
        "transactionId": "trx1234",
        "gameballTrasnactionId": "gbtrx1234",
        "type": "DiscountCode",
        "direction": "-",
        "playerUniqueId": "1234",
        "points": 1700,
        "amount": 17.0,
        "transactionTime": "2022-09-28T11:58:34.579234",
        "status": "Active",
        "couponCode": "50OFF",
        "isCouponUsed": false,
        "couponType": "fixed_rate_discount",
        "merchantName": "merchant",
        "branchName": "branch",
        "expiryDate": "2022-10-28T11:58:34.579234",
        "pointsBalanceBefore": 1000,
        "pointsBalanceAfter": 2700

Usage Example

curl -X GET -H 'apiKey: 807b041b7d35425988e354e1f6bce186' \
       -H 'secretKey: klmb041b7d354259l3u4ft35e1q2r3703' -v -i 

merchant object

Get - List Order Transactions{orderId}/transactions

This endpoint is used to list all the transactions (such as refunds) relating to an order.





orderTransaction Object

Response Example

    "orderTransactions": [
            "transactionDate": "2021-10-19T21:46:24",
            "gameballTransactionId": 384081,
            "transactionType": "Payment",
            "amount": 70.0,
            "transactionId": "111131212"
            "transactionDate": "2018-01-10T17:12:26.895",
            "gameballTransactionId": 384090,
            "transactionType": "PartialRefund",
            "amount": 10.0,
            "transactionId": "1111201801"
            "transactionDate": "2018-02-10T17:12:26.895",
            "gameballTransactionId": 384091,
            "transactionType": "PartialRefund",
            "amount": 10.0,
            "transactionId": "11112018101"
    "total": 3,
    "count": 3

POST - Create Coupon

This endpoint is used to create coupons for a specific customer.




Sample Request

    "value": 17000000,
    "playerUniqueId": "player",


Sample Response

    "code": "freesundae1",
    "url": "",
    "startDate": "2021-12-13T18:18:45.775Z",
    "expiryDate": "2022-12-13T18:18:45.775Z"