Overview on Gameball APIs

This section gives a detailed guide on all Gameball APIs that are needed during integration.

In this section, you will find all the available APIs required across all Gameball features as well as all the API methods that can be used in the SDK. You will also find explanations about what they do and how to use them.


Available authentication method is through APIKey. Hence, you need to provide APIKey header with every request. Check this article for more information on how to get your APIKey.

Below is an example of the authentication through APIKey.

curl --request POST \
  --url 'https://api.gameball.co/api/v1.0/integrations/events' \
  --header 'APIKey: ue7eh32eiwlsncoko08u8b'


Our REST API is a core building block of the Gameball platform. Our current endpoint link is: https://api.gameball.co/api/v1.0

Check our next article to learn more about Available Endpoints.

Gameball APIs

At Gameball, we are going to be soon launching some SDKs for easier APIs integrations. Our available SDKs will be supporting the following.

  • .NET

  • PHP

Feel free to drop us a message if you would like to add more languages to be supported.

Each object in the API may be given an identifier and will typically be addressable through a URL. Learn more about our objects in the Object Reference article.

Webhooks are a powerful resource that you can use to automate your use cases and improve your productivity. Chech out our events webhook in the Webhooks section.

Last updated